Immerse yourself in the world of data science with the Data Science Labs course. Through interactive lessons and hands-on labs, you’ll gain practical experience in performing various data science tasks, including creating and manipulating DataFrames using Pandas, working with NumPy arrays, and exploring essential third-party libraries. Get ready to dive into real-world data challenges and develop the skills needed to excel in the dynamic field of data science.
7+ Lessons |
Hand on lab
25+ LiveLab | 25+ Video tutorials | 30+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Pandas
- About DataFrames
- Creating DataFrames
- Interacting with DataFrame Data
- Manipulating DataFrames
- Manipulating Data
- Interactive Display
- Summary
Lessons 2: NumPy
- Installing and Importing NumPy
- Creating Arrays
- Indexing and Slicing
- Element-by-Element Operations
- Filtering Values
- Views Versus Copies
- Some Array Methods
- Broadcasting
- NumPy Math
- Summary
Lessons 3: Visualization Libraries
- matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Plotly
- Bokeh
- Other Visualization Libraries
- Summary
Lessons 4: Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data
- Topic A: Extract Data
- Topic B: Transform Data
- Topic C: Load Data
- Summary
Lessons 5: Developing Regression Models
- Topic A: Train and Tune Regression Models
- Topic B: Evaluate Regression Models
- Summary
Lessons 6: Logistic Regression
- Simple Example of Logistic Regression
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Interpreting Logistic Regression Output
- Inference: Are the Predictors Significant?
- Odds Ratio and Relative Risk
- Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Dichotomous Predictor
- Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Polychotomous Predictor
- Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Continuous Predictor
- Assumption of Linearity
- Zero-Cell Problem
- Multiple Logistic Regression
- Introducing Higher Order Terms to Handle Nonlinearity
- Validating the Logistic Regression Model
- WEKA: Hands-On Analysis Using Logistic Regression
Lessons 7: Exploratory Data Analysis
- Hypothesis Testing Versus Exploratory Data Analysis
- Getting to Know The Data Set
- Exploring Categorical Variables
- Exploring Numeric Variables
- Exploring Multivariate Relationships
- Selecting Interesting Subsets of the Data for Further Investigation
- Using EDA to Uncover Anomalous Fields
- Binning Based on Predictive Value
- Deriving New Variables: Flag Variables
- Deriving New Variables: Numerical Variables
- Using EDA to Investigate Correlated Predictor Variables
- Summary of Our EDA
Hands-on LAB Activities
- Creating a Series from a List Using pandas
- Creating a Series from a Dictionary Using pandas
- Using the read_csv() Function
- Creating a One-Dimensional Array Using numpy
- Creating a Multi-Dimensional Array Using numpy
Visualization Libraries
- Creating a Bar Plot Using matplotlib
- Creating a Line Plot Using matplotlib
- Creating a Scatter Plot Using matplotlib
- Creating a Pie Chart Using matplotlib
- Creating a Confusion Matrix
- Creating a Line Plot Using seaborn
- Adding Animation to a Choropleth Map Using Plotly Express
- Creating Different Shapes Using bokeh
- Creating a Linked Scatter Plot Using altair
Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data
- Performing Data Cleaning
- Handling the Missing Values
Developing Regression Models
- Performing Linear Regression on the Salary Dataset
Logistic Regression
- Performing Logistic Regression
Exploratory Data Analysis
- Analyzing Students’ Performance
- Performing Data Analysis on Movies and TV Shows on Netflix
- Performing Data Analysis on Movies and TV Shows on Amazon Prime
- Comparing Movies and TV Shows Data on Amazon Prime and Netflix
- Performing Data Analysis on Google Play Store Data
- Performing Data Analysis on Video Game Sales Data
- Performing Exploratory Data Analysis
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