Use the Core Java Fundamentals course to learn the skills in Java programming. The Java course provides competency in all concepts of Java programming and includes topics such as objects, classes, inheritance, exceptions, assertions, logging, and generic programming. This Java online course provides students with knowledge in Java SE 7 enhancements including improved concurrency utilities and new file I/O API. The interactive learning resources highlight explanations of advanced Java programming techniques.
15+ Lessons | 98+ Quizzes | 100+ Flashcards | 100+ Glossary of terms
101+ Pre Assessment Questions | 131+ Post Assessment Questions |
Video Lessons
23+ Videos | 02:37+ Hours
Lessons 1: Preface
- To the Reader
- A Tour of This Course
- Conventions
Lessons 2: An Introduction to Java
- Java as a Programming Platform
- The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords
- Java Applets and the Internet
- A Short History of Java
- Common Misconceptions about Java
Lessons 3: The Java Programming Environment
- Installing the Java Development Kit
- Using the Command-Line Tools
- Using an Integrated Development Environment
- JShell
Lessons 4: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java
- A Simple Java Program
- Comments
- Data Types
- Variables and Constants
- Operators
- Strings
- Input and Output
- Control Flow
- Big Numbers
- Arrays
Lessons 5: Objects and Classes
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Using Predefined Classes
- Defining Your Own Classes
- Static Fields and Methods
- Method Parameters
- Object Construction
- Packages
- JAR Files
- Documentation Comments
- Class Design Hints
Lessons 6: Inheritance
- Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses
- Object: The Cosmic Superclass
- Generic Array Lists
- Object Wrappers and Autoboxing
- Methods with a Variable Number of Parameters
- Enumeration Classes
- Reflection
- Design Hints for Inheritance
Lessons 7: Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Inner Classes
- Interfaces
- Lambda Expressions
- Inner Classes
- Service Loaders
- Proxies
Lessons 8: Exceptions, Assertions, and Logging
- Dealing with Errors
- Catching Exceptions
- Tips for Using Exceptions
- Using Assertions
- Logging
- Debugging Tips
Lessons 9: Generic Programming
- Why Generic Programming?
- Defining a Simple Generic Class
- Generic Methods
- Bounds for Type Variables
- Generic Code and the Virtual Machine
- Restrictions and Limitations
- Inheritance Rules for Generic Types
- Wildcard Types
- Reflection and Generics
Lessons 10: Collections
- The Java Collections Framework
- Interfaces in the Collections Framework
- Concrete Collections
- Maps
- Views and Wrappers
- Algorithms
- Legacy Collections
Lessons 11: Graphical User Interface Programming
- A History of Java User Interface Toolkits
- Displaying Frames
- Displaying Information in a Component
- Event Handling
- The Preferences API
Lessons 12: User Interface Components with Swing
- Swing and the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
- Introduction to Layout Management
- Text Input
- Choice Components
- Menus
- Sophisticated Layout Management
- Dialog Boxes
Lessons 13: Concurrency
- What Are Threads?
- Thread States
- Thread Properties
- Synchronization
- Thread-Safe Collections
- Tasks and Thread Pools
- Asynchronous Computations
- Processes
Lessons 14: JavaFX
- A Brief History of Java GUI Programming
- Displaying Information in a Scene
- Event Handling
- Layout
- User Interface Controls
- Properties and Bindings
- Long-Running Tasks in User Interface Callbacks
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