Learn Java programming with the Core Java Volume II course and lab. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. The Java online course and lab cover Java technology required to work in real projects and provides skills in Java stream library, XML, date and time API, scripting, compiling, and more. The course has the best Java tutorials to help you master all the Java programming skills.
12+ Lessons | 121+ Quizzes | 115+ Flashcards | 115+ Glossary of terms
105+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 102+ Post Assessment Questions | 100+ Practice Test Questions
Hand on lab
41+ LiveLab | 41+ Video tutorials | 01+ Minutes
Video Lessons
19+ Videos | 02:07+ Hours
Lessons 1: Streams
- From Iterating to Stream Operations
- Stream Creation
- The filter, map, and flatMap Methods
- Extracting Substreams and Combining Streams
- Simple Reductions
- The Optional Type
- Collecting Results
- Collecting into Maps
- Grouping and Partitioning
- Downstream Collectors
- Reduction Operations
- Primitive Type Streams
- Parallel Streams
Lessons 2: Input and Output
- Input/Output Streams
- Reading and Writing Binary Data
- Object Input/Output Streams and Serialization
- Working with Files
- Memory-Mapped Files
- File Locking
- Regular Expressions
Lessons 3: XML
- Introducing XML
- The Structure of an XML Document
- Parsing an XML Document
- Validating XML Documents
- Locating Information with XPath
- Using Namespaces
- Streaming Parsers
- Generating XML Documents
- XSL Transformations
Lessons 4: Networking
- Connecting to a Server
- Implementing Servers
- Getting Web Data
- The HTTP Client
- Sending E-Mail
Lessons 5: Database Programming
- The Design of JDBC
- The Structured Query Language
- JDBC Configuration
- Working with JDBC Statements
- Query Execution
- Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets
- Row Sets
- Metadata
- Transactions
- Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications
Lessons 6: The Date and Time API
- The Time Line
- Local Dates
- Date Adjusters
- Local Time
- Zoned Time
- Formatting and Parsing
- Interoperating with Legacy Code
Lessons 7: Internationalization
- Locales
- Number Formats
- Date and Time
- Collation and Normalization
- Message Formatting
- Text Input and Output
- Resource Bundles
- A Complete Example
Lessons 8: Scripting, Compiling, and Annotation Processing
- Scripting for the Java Platform
- The Compiler API
- Using Annotations
- Annotation Syntax
- Standard Annotations
- Source-Level Annotation Processing
- Bytecode Engineering
Lessons 9: The Java Platform Module System
- The Module Concept
- Naming Modules
- The Modular “Hello, World!” Program
- Requiring Modules
- Exporting Packages
- Modular JARs
- Modules and Reflective Access
- Automatic Modules
- The Unnamed Module
- Command-Line Flags for Migration
- Transitive and Static Requirements
- Qualified Exporting and Opening
- Service Loading
- Tools for Working with Modules
Lessons 10: Security
- Class Loaders
- Security Managers and Permissions
- User Authentication
- Digital Signatures
- Encryption
Lessons 11: Advanced Swing and Graphics
- Tables
- Trees
- Advanced AWT
- Raster Images
- Printing
Lessons 12: Native Methods
- Calling a C Function from a Java Program
- Numeric Parameters and Return Values
- String Parameters
- Accessing Fields
- Encoding Signatures
- Calling Java Methods
- Accessing Array Elements
- Handling Errors
- Using the Invocation API
- A Complete Example: Accessing the Windows Registry
Hands-on LAB Activities
- Creating Streams using Collections
- Using the count() Method
- Using the flatmap() Method
- Using the limit() Method
- Using the sorted() Method
- Using the findAny() Method
- Using the collect() Method
- Converting Stream to Map
- Using the Collectors partitioningBy() Method
- Using the counting() Method
- Using the collectingAndThen() Method
- Using the reduce() Method
- Using the IntStream range() Method
- Using the Longstream Method
Input and Output
- Convert InputStream to String with BufferedReader
- Reading and Writing Binary Files
- Using the ObjectStream Class
- Working with Files
- Using Java Memory-Mapped Files
- Using Java Regular Expressions
- Obtaining the Internet Address
- Using URI.getScheme()
Database Programming
- Working with JDBC Statements
- Executing a SQL Query
The Date and Time API
- Get the Current Timestamp
- Using the Locale Class
- Using the NumberFormat Class
- Using the MessageFormat class
Scripting, Compiling, and Annotation Processing
- Listing all the Available Script Engines
- Creating, Applying, and Accessing Annotations
- Verification of Bytecode in Java
- Using the Logger Class
- Generating Password
- Implementing AES Encryption
Advanced Swing and Graphics
- Creating a Table
- Viewing a Database Table
Native Methods
- Using the Numeric Parameters and Return Values
- Using String Parameters
- Calling Java Methods
- Accessing Array Elements
- Handling Java Exception
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