Use Introduction to Java 11 course and lab to learn Java programming. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. The Java course and lab cover the concepts like data structure, developing swing applications, communicating over HTTP, creating classes and methods; lists, logic, and loops; exceptions and threads; and accessing the database with JDBC and Derby.
26+ Lessons | 155+ Quizzes | 451+ Flashcards | 451+ Glossary of terms
56+ Pre Assessment Questions | 56+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
58+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Introduction
- How This Course Is Organized?
- Who Should Read This Course?
- Conventions Used in This Course
Lessons 2: Getting Started with Java
- The Java Language
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Objects and Classes
- Attributes and Behavior
- Organizing Classes and Class Behavior
- Summary
Lessons 3: The ABCs of Programming
- Statements and Expressions
- Variables and Data Types
- Comments
- Literals
- Expressions and Operators
- String Arithmetic
- Summary
Lessons 4: Working with Objects
- Creating New Objects
- Using Class and Instance Variables
- Calling Methods
- References to Objects
- Casting Objects and Primitive Types
- Comparing Object Values and Classes
- Summary
Lessons 5: Lists, Logic, and Loops
- Arrays
- Block Statements
- if Conditionals
- Switch Conditionals
- The Ternary Operator
- for Loops
- while and do Loops
- Breaking Out of Loops
- Summary
Lessons 6: Creating Classes and Methods
- Defining Classes
- Creating Instance and Class Variables
- Creating Methods
- Creating Java Applications
- Java Applications and Arguments
- Creating Methods with the Same Name
- Constructors
- Overriding Methods
- Summary
Lessons 7: Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Features
- Modifiers
- Static Variables and Methods
- Final Classes, Methods, and Variables
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Packages
- Creating Your Own Packages
- Interfaces
- Creating and Extending Interfaces
- Summary
Lessons 8: Exceptions and Threads
- Exceptions
- Managing Exceptions
- Declaring Methods That Might Throw Exceptions
- Creating and Throwing Exceptions
- When Not to Use Exceptions
- Threads
- Summary
Lessons 9: Data Structures
- Moving Beyond Arrays
- Java Structures
- Generics
- Enumerations
- Summary
Lessons 10: Creating a Graphical User Interface
- Creating an Application
- Working with Components
- Lists
- The Java Class Library
- Summary
Lessons 11: Building an Interface
- Swing Features
- Summary
Lessons 12: Arranging Components on a User Interface
- Basic Interface Layout
- Mixing Layout Managers
- Card Layout
- Summary
Lessons 13: Responding to User Input
- Event Listeners
- Working with Methods
- Summary
Lessons 14: Creating Java2D Graphics
- The Graphics2D Class
- Drawing Text
- Color
- Drawing Lines and Polygons
- Summary
Lessons 15: Developing Swing Applications
- Improving Performance with SwingWorker
- Grid Bag Layout
- Summary
Lessons 16: Using Inner Classes and Lambda Expressions
- Inner Classes
- Lambda Expressions
- Variable Type Inference
- Summary
Lessons 17: Working with Input and Output
- Introduction to Streams
- Byte Streams
- Filtering a Stream
- Character Streams
- Files and Paths
- Summary
Lessons 18: Communicating Over HTTP
- Networking in Java
- The java.nio Package
- Summary
Lessons 19: Accessing Databases with JDBC and Derby
- Java Database Connectivity
- Summary
Lessons 20: Reading and Writing RSS Feeds
- Using XML
- Designing an XML Dialect
- Processing XML with Java
- Processing XML with XOM
- Summary
Lessons 21: Making Web Service Requests
- Introduction to XML-RPC
- Communicating with XML-RPC
- Choosing an XML-RPC Implementation
- Using an XML-RPC Web Service
- Creating an XML-RPC Web Service
- Summary
Lessons 22: Writing a Game with Java
- Playing a Game
- Summary
Appendix A: Using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment
- Installing NetBeans
- Creating a New Project
- Creating a New Java Class
- Running the Application
- Fixing Errors
- Expanding and Shrinking a Pane
- Exploring NetBeans
Appendix B: Fixing Package Not Visible Errors in NetBeans
- Adding Module Info
Appendix C: Using the Java Development Kit
- Choosing a Java Development Tool
- Configuring the Java Development Kit
- Using a Text Editor
- Creating a Sample Program
Appendix D: Programming with the Java Development Kit
- Overview of the JDK
- java, the Java Virtual Machine
- The javac Compiler
- The javadoc Documentation Tool
- The jar Java File Archival Tool
- The jdb Debugger
- Using System Properties
- Writing Java Statements in a Shell
Hands-on LAB Activities
The ABCs of Programming
- Using a Variable
- Using Multiple Variables
- Creating a Local Variable
- Using Comments
- Using the Modulus Operator
- Using the Logical AND Operator
- Using the Logical OR Operator
- Using the instanceOf Operator
- Using Relational Operators
- Concatenating Two Strings
Working with Objects
- Creating an Object
- Creating a Class Variable
- Creating a Reference to the Object
- Using Java Primitives
- Converting a Primitive Type to Object
Lists, Logic, and Loops
- Declaring a Multidimensional Array
- Declaring an Array
- Using the if Statement
- Using the if-else Statement
- Using the switch Statement
- Using the Ternary Operator
- Using the for Statement
- Using the while Loop
- Using the do/while Loop
- Using the break Statement
Creating Classes and Methods
- Using the this Keyword
- Creating a Method
- Creating the main() Method
- Passing Parameters to a Method
- Creating a Constructor
- Overloading a Method
- Using Method Overriding
Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Features
- Using the Access Modifier
- Using the Static Method
- Using Static Variables
- Importing a Package
- Using the Abstract Method
- Creating an Interface
Exceptions and Threads
- Using the try/catch Block
- Using the finally Block
- Using the throws Keyword
Data Structures
- Creating an Enumeration
Creating a Graphical User Interface
- Creating a Form
Building an Interface
- Creating a Signup Form
- Creating a Textbox and a Progress Bar
Arranging Components on a User Interface
- Creating a Calendar
Responding to User Input
- Creating a Calculator
Creating Java2D Graphics
- Drawing a Rectangle and Adding Color to it
Developing Swing Applications
- Creating a Graphical User Interface
Using Inner Classes and Lambda Expressions
- Using the Static Inner Class
- Using a Lambda Expression
Working with Input and Output
- Writing Values in a File
- Reading the Content of a File
Accessing Databases with JDBC and Derby
- Working with JDBC Statements
- Executing a SQL Query
- Displaying Records
- Reading the Content of a Webpage
Reading and Writing RSS Feeds
- Creating an XML Document
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