9+ Lessons | 55+ Quizzes | 36+ Flashcards | 36+ Glossary of terms
33+ Pre Assessment Questions | 34+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
54+ LiveLab | 37+ Video tutorials | 45+ Minutes
Video Lessons
47+ Videos | 06:36+ Hours
Lessons 1: Introduction
- About
- About the Course
Lessons 2: Introduction to Visualization with Python – Basic and Customized Plotting
- Introduction
- Handling Data with pandas DataFrame
- Plotting with pandas and seaborn
- Tweaking Plot Parameters
- Summary
Lessons 3: Static Visualization – Global Patterns and Summary Statistics
- Introduction
- Creating Plots that Present Global Patterns in Data
- Creating Plots That Present Summary Statistics of Your Data
- Summary
Lessons 4: From Static to Interactive Visualization
- Introduction
- Static versus Interactive Visualization
- Applications of Interactive Data Visualizations
- Getting Started with Interactive Data Visualizations
- Summary
Lessons 5: Interactive Visualization of Data across Strata
- Introduction
- Interactive Scatter Plots
- Other Interactive Plots in altair
- Summary
Lessons 6: Interactive Visualization of Data across Time
- Introduction
- Temporal Data
- Types of Temporal Data
- Understanding the Relation between Temporal Data and Time-Series Data
- Examples of Domains That Use Temporal Data
- Visualization of Temporal Data
- Choosing the Right Aggregation Level for Temporal Data
- Resampling in Temporal Data
- Interactive Temporal Visualization
- Summary
Lessons 7: Interactive Visualization of Geographical Data
- Introduction
- Choropleth Maps
- Plots on Geographical Maps
- Summary
Lessons 8: Avoiding Common Pitfalls to Create Interactive Visualizations
- Introduction
- Data Formatting and Interpretation
- Data Visualization
- Cheat Sheet for the Visualization Process
- Summary
Appendix A: Data Structures, Strings, and Numpy
Hands-on LAB Activities
Introduction to Visualization with Python – Basic and Customized Plotting
- Creating a User-defined Function
- Applying the ceil() Function on a DataFrame Column
- Adding a Column to a DataFrame
- Applying the describe() Function
- Viewing Data from Dataset
- Deleting Columns from a DataFrame
- Reading Data from a File
- Creating a Bar Plot and Calculating the Mean Growth Rate Distribution
- Creating Bar Plot Grouped by a Specific Feature
- Plotting a Histogram
- Tweaking the Plot Parameters of a Grouped Bar Plot
- Annotating a Bar Chart
Static Visualization – Global Patterns and Summary Statistics
- Presenting Data across Time with Multiple Line Plots
- Creating a Static Line Plot
- Creating a Static Hexagonal Binning Plot
- Creating a Static Scatter Chart
- Creating a Static Contour Plot
- Creating a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Linkage in a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Static Box Plot
- Creating a Static Violin Plot
From Static to Interactive Visualization
- Creating the Base Static Plot for Interactive Data Visualization
- Adding a Slider to the Static Plot
- Adding a Hover Tool to a Scatter Plot Using bokeh
- Creating an Interactive Scatter Plot
- Using the merge() function
Interactive Visualization of Data across Strata
- Adding Zoom-In and Zoom-Out to a Static Scatter Plot Using altair
- Adding Hover and Tooltip Functionality to a Scatter Plot Using altair
- Exploring Select and Highlight Functionality on a Scatter Plot Using altair
- Performing Selection across Multiple Plots
- Performing a Selection Based on the Values of a Feature
- Adding the Zoom Feature and Calculating the Mean on a Static Bar Plot
- Representing the Mean on a Bar Plot using a Shortcut
- Linking a Bar Plot and a Heatmap Dynamically
- Adding a Zoom Feature on a Static Heatmap
- Creating a Bar Plot and a Heatmap Next to Each Other
Interactive Visualization of Data across Time
- Calculating zscore to Find Outliers in Temporal Data
- Performing Upsampling and Downsampling in Temporal Data
- Using shift and tshift to Shift Time in Data
- Adding Zoom-in and Zoom-out Functionality on a Line Plot Using Bokeh
- Adding Interactivity to Static Line Plots using Bokeh
- Changing the Line Color and Width on a Line Plot
- Adding Box Annotations to Find Anomalies in a Dataset
Interactive Visualization of Geographical Data
- Creating a Worldwide Choropleth Map
- Tweaking a Worldwide Choropleth Map
- Adding Animation to a Choropleth Map
- Creating a Choropleth Map for the US Population across States
- Creating a Scatter Plot on a Geographical Map
- Creating a Bubble Plot on a Geographical Map
- Creating Line Plots on a Geographical Map
Avoiding Common Pitfalls to Create Interactive Visualizations
- Visualizing Outliers in a Dataset with a Box Plot
- Dealing with Outliers
- Dealing with Missing Values
- Creating a Confusing Visualization
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