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Introduction To Python

: 32 Hours
: Instructor
: Beginner
: Available Immediately


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

In this 4-day Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages. This Python course is taught using Python 3; however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted. For private Python classes, our instructor can focus specifically on Python 2 if desired.


In this 4-day Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages.


This course is intended for students who want to learn Python. Some programming experience is helpful but not required




Some programming experience is helpful, but not required




Module 1: Python Basics

Module 2: Functions and Modules

Module 3: Math

Module 4: Python Strings

Module 5: Iterables

Module 6: Flow Control

Module 7: Virtual Environments

Module 8: Regular Expressions

Module 9: Unicode and Encoding

Module 10: File Processing

Module 11: Exception Handling

Module 12: Python Dates and Times

Module 13: Running Python Scripts from the Command Line


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