Gain hands-on experience in Python with uCertify’s course IT Specialist Python. The course contains interactive lessons, practice tests, knowledge checks, quizzes, flashcards, glossaries, and live labs to comprehensively cover the ITSPC exam objectives. It equips the candidates with all the skills required to pass the ITSPC Python exam.
Here’s what you will get
The Information Technology Specialist program validates the candidates for entry-level IT skills that employers look for. The ITSPCÂ Python program verifies the candidate’s knowledge of Python Operations using Data Types and Operators, Flow Control with Decisions and Loops, Input and Output Operations, Code Documentation and Structure, Troubleshooting and Error Handling, and Operations using Modules and Tools. They should demonstrate foundational skills in recognizing, writing, and debugging Python code that will logically solve a problem.
12+ Lessons | 40+ Exercises | 50+ Quizzes | 138+ Flashcards | 138+ Glossary of terms
60+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 66+ Post Assessment Questions | 132+ Practice Test Questions
Video Lessons
31+ Videos | 02:02+ Hours
Lessons 1: Introduction
- About the Course
- Learning Objectives
- Audience
- Approach
- Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Conventions
- Installation
Lessons 2: Introducing Python
- Introduction
- Working with the Python Interactive Shell
- Writing and Running Simple Scripts
- Variables
- User Input, Comments, and Indentations
- Summary
Lessons 3: Data Types
- Introduction
- Numerical Data
- Strings
- Lists
- Booleans
- Summary
Lessons 4: Control Statements
- Introduction
- Control Statements
- The if Statement
- The while Statement
- while Versus if
- Loops
- The for Loop
- The range Function
- Nesting Loops
- Breaking Out of Loops
- Summary
Lessons 5: Functions
- Introduction
- Built-In Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- Function Arguments
- Anonymous Functions
- Summary
Lessons 6: Lists and Tuples
- Introduction
- List Syntax
- List Methods
- List Comprehensions
- Tuple Syntax
- Accessing Tuple Elements
- Accessing Tuple Elements
- Tuple Methods
- Summary
Lessons 7: Dictionaries and Sets
- Introduction
- Working with Dictionaries
- Additional Dictionary Attributes
- Ordered Dictionaries
- The Basics of Sets
- Set Operations
- Frozen Sets
- Summary
Lessons 8: Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction
- A First Look at OOP
- OOP in Python
- Methods in a Class
- Class Versus Instance Attributes
- Class Versus Instance Methods
- Class Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Summary
Lessons 9: Modules, Packages, and File Operations
- Introduction
- Defining Modules
- Imports and Import Statements
- Modules and Packages
- File Operations
- The file Object
- Reading and Writing to Files
- Handling Structured Data
- Summary
Lessons 10: Error Handling
- Introduction
- Built-In Exceptions
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Summary
Appendix: PCAP Exam Objective
Appendix: PCEP-30-01 Exam Objective
Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)
Introducing Python
- Using the print Method
- Displaying a Statement Multiple Times
- Using Variable Assignment
- Using Variables and Assigning Statements
- Displaying the Multiplication Table
Data Types
- Using Arithmetic Operators
- Performing String Slicing Tasks
- Working with Strings
- Manipulating Strings Using the strip Method
- Working with Lists
- Using Boolean Operators
Control Statements
- Working with the if Statement
- Working with the while Statement
- Using the for Loop and the range Function
- Using Nested Loops
- Working with Function Arguments
- Using Lambda Functions
Lists and Tuples
- Using List Methods
- Using Tuple Methods
Dictionaries and Sets
- Arranging and Presenting Data Using Dictionaries
- Combining Dictionaries
- Creating Intersections of Elements in a Collection
Object-Oriented Programming
- Defining Methods in a Class
- Creating Class Attributes
- Creating Class Methods and Using Information Hiding
- Overriding Methods
- Implementing Multiple Inheritance
Modules, Packages, and File Operations
- Using Resources in a Module
Error Handling
- Identifying Error Scenarios
- Handling Errors
- Creating the Custom Exception Class
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