11+ Lessons | 103+ Exercises | 80+ Quizzes | 65+ Flashcards | 65+ Glossary of terms
45+ Pre Assessment Questions | 45+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
11+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Preface
- About the Course
Lessons 2: Your First Step
- Introduction
- Understanding API
- HTTP Protocol
- HTTP Methods and CRUD
- The JSON Format
- HTTP Status Codes
- Open API
- The Flask Web Framework
- Building a Simple Recipe Management Application
- Using curl or httpie to Test All the Endpoints
- Postman
- Summary
Lessons 3: Starting to Build Our Project
- Introduction
- What is Flask-RESTful?
- Virtual Environment
- Creating a Recipe Model
- Configuring Endpoints
- Making HTTP Requests to the Flask API Using curl and httpie
- Summary
Lessons 4: Manipulating a Database with SQLAlchemy
- Introduction
- Databases
- Defining Our Models
- Password Hashing
- Summary
Lessons 5: Authentication Services and Security with JWT
- Introduction
- Flask-JWT-Extended
- Designing the Methods in the Recipe Model
- Refresh Tokens
- The User Logout Mechanism
- Summary
Lessons 6: Object Serialization with marshmallow
- Introduction
- Serialization versus Deserialization
- marshmallow
- A Simple Schema
- UserSchema Design
- RecipeSchema Design
- The PATCH Method
- Summary
Lessons 7: Email Confirmation
- Introduction
- Mailgun
- User Account Activation Workflow
- HTML Format Email
- Summary
Lessons 8: Working with Images
- Introduction
- Building the User Avatar Function
- Flask-Uploads
- Image Resizing and Compression
- Introduction to Pillow
- Summary
Lessons 9: Pagination, Searching, and Ordering
- Introduction
- Pagination
- Paginated APIs
- Recipe Searching
- Sorting and Ordering
- Summary
Lessons 10: Building More Features
- Introduction
- Caching
- Flask-Caching
- API Rate Limiting
- Flask-Limiter
- Summary
Lessons 11: Deployment
- Introduction
- Deployment
- Comparing SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS
- The Heroku Platform
- Configuration Handling in Smilecook
- Heroku Application
- Heroku Add-Ons
- Setting Up Environment Variables for the Heroku App
- Setting Up Variables in Postman
- Setting Up the Front-end Interface to Work with the Smilecook API
- Summary
Hands-on LAB Activities
Your First Step
- Building a Flask Application Using PyCharm
- Managing Recipes with Flask
Starting to Build Our Project
- Analyzing the Recipe Model and Testing its Endpoints
Manipulating a Database with SQLAlchemy
- Using Flask-Migrate to Build a Database Upgrade Script
Authentication Services and Security with JWT
- Analyzing a User Login Function
- Analyzing the Logout Function
Object Serialization with marshmallow
- Using marshmallow to Validate the User Data
- Analyzing RecipeSchema
Working with Images
- Adding the avatar_image Attribute to the User Model
Pagination, Searching, and Ordering
- Analyzing the Implementation of Pagination on the Published Recipes Retrieval Function
- Analyzing How to Segregate Application Configura…ween the Development and Production Environments
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