13+ Lessons | 43+ Exercises | 61+ Quizzes | 138+ Flashcards | 138+ Glossary of terms
60+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 66+ Post Assessment Questions | 132+ Practice Test Questions
Video Lessons
31+ Videos | 02:02+ Hours
Lessons 1: Introduction
- About the Course
- Learning Objectives
- Audience
- Approach
- Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Conventions
- Installation
Lessons 2: Introducing Python
- Introduction
- Working with the Python Interactive Shell
- Writing and Running Simple Scripts
- Variables
- User Input, Comments, and Indentations
- Summary
Lessons 3: Data Types
- Introduction
- Numerical Data
- Strings
- Lists
- Booleans
- Summary
Lessons 4: Control Statements
- Introduction
- Control Statements
- The if Statement
- The while Statement
- while Versus if
- Loops
- The for Loop
- The range Function
- Nesting Loops
- Breaking Out of Loops
- Summary
Lessons 5: Functions
- Introduction
- Built-In Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- Function Arguments
- Anonymous Functions
- Summary
Lessons 6: Lists and Tuples
- Introduction
- List Syntax
- List Methods
- List Comprehensions
- Tuple Syntax
- Accessing Tuple Elements
- Accessing Tuple Elements
- Tuple Methods
- Summary
Lessons 7: Dictionaries and Sets
- Introduction
- Working with Dictionaries
- Additional Dictionary Attributes
- Ordered Dictionaries
- The Basics of Sets
- Set Operations
- Frozen Sets
- Summary
Lessons 8: Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction
- A First Look at OOP
- OOP in Python
- Methods in a Class
- Class Versus Instance Attributes
- Class Versus Instance Methods
- Class Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Summary
Lessons 9: Modules, Packages, and File Operations
- Introduction
- Defining Modules
- Imports and Import Statements
- Modules and Packages
- File Operations
- The file Object
- Reading and Writing to Files
- Handling Structured Data
- Summary
Lessons 10: Error Handling
- Introduction
- Built-In Exceptions
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Summary
Appendix: PCAP Exam Objective
Appendix: PCEP-30-01 Exam Objective
Appendix: PCEP-30-02 Exam Objective
Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)
Introducing Python
- Using the print Method
- Displaying a Statement Multiple Times
- Using Variable Assignment
- Using Variables and Assigning Statements
- Displaying the Multiplication Table
Data Types
- Using Arithmetic Operators
- Performing String Slicing Tasks
- Working with Strings
- Manipulating Strings Using the strip Method
- Working with Lists
- Using Boolean Operators
Control Statements
- Working with the if Statement
- Working with the while Statement
- Using the for Loop and the range Function
- Using Nested Loops
- Working with Function Arguments
- Using Lambda Functions
Lists and Tuples
- Using List Methods
- Using Tuple Methods
Dictionaries and Sets
- Arranging and Presenting Data Using Dictionaries
- Combining Dictionaries
- Creating Intersections of Elements in a Collection
Object-Oriented Programming
- Defining Methods in a Class
- Creating Class Attributes
- Creating Class Methods and Using Information Hiding
- Overriding Methods
- Implementing Multiple Inheritance
Modules, Packages, and File Operations
- Using Resources in a Module
Error Handling
- Identifying Error Scenarios
- Handling Errors
- Creating the Custom Exception Class
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