14+ Lessons | 125+ Exercises | 56+ Quizzes | 53+ Flashcards | 53+ Glossary of terms
38+ Pre Assessment Questions | 36+ Post Assessment Questions |
Lessons 1: Preface
- Purpose/Goals
- Approach
- Summary of the Most Significant Changes in the Fourth Edition
- Overview
- Exercises
Lessons 2: Programming: A General Overview
- What’s This Course About?
- Mathematics Review
- A Brief Introduction to Recursion
- C++ Classes
- C++ Details
- Templates
- Using Matrices
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 3: Algorithm Analysis
- Mathematical Background
- Model
- What to Analyze
- Running-Time Calculations
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 4: Lists, Stacks, and Queues
- Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
- The List ADT
- vector and list in the STL
- Implementation of vector
- Implementation of list
- The Stack ADT
- The Queue ADT
- Summary
- Exercises
Lessons 5: Trees
- Preliminaries
- Binary Trees
- The Search Tree ADT—Binary Search Trees
- AVL Trees
- Splay Trees
- Tree Traversals (Revisited)
- B-Trees
- Sets and Maps in the Standard Library
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 6: Hashing
- General Idea
- Hash Function
- Separate Chaining
- Hash Tables without Linked Lists
- Rehashing
- Hash Tables in the Standard Library
- Hash Tables with Worst-Case O(1) Access
- Universal Hashing
- Extendible Hashing
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 7: Priority Queues (Heaps)
- Model
- Simple Implementations
- Binary Heap
- Applications of Priority Queues
- d-Heaps
- Leftist Heaps
- Skew Heaps
- Binomial Queues
- Priority Queues in the Standard Library
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 8: Sorting
- Preliminaries
- Insertion Sort
- A Lower Bound for Simple Sorting Algorithms
- Shellsort
- Heapsort
- Mergesort
- Quicksort
- A General Lower Bound for Sorting
- Decision-Tree Lower Bounds for Selection Problems
- Adversary Lower Bounds
- Linear-Time Sorts: Bucket Sort and Radix Sort
- External Sorting
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 9: The Disjoint Sets Class
- Equivalence Relations
- The Dynamic Equivalence Problem
- Basic Data Structure
- Smart Union Algorithms
- Path Compression
- Worst Case for Union-by-Rank and Path Compression
- An Application
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 10: Graph Algorithms
- Definitions
- Topological Sort
- Shortest-Path Algorithms
- Network Flow Problems
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Applications of Depth-First Search
- Introduction to NP-Completeness
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 11: Algorithm Design Techniques
- Greedy Algorithms
- Divide and Conquer
- Dynamic Programming
- Randomized Algorithms
- Backtracking Algorithms
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 12: Amortized Analysis
- An Unrelated Puzzle
- Binomial Queues
- Skew Heaps
- Fibonacci Heaps
- Splay Trees
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Lessons 13: Advanced Data Structures and Implementation
- Top-Down Splay Trees
- Red-Black Trees
- Treaps
- Suffix Arrays and Suffix Trees
- k-d Trees
- Pairing Heaps
- Summary
- Exercises
- References
Appendix A: Separate Compilation of Class Templates
- Everything in the Header
- Explicit Instantiation
Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)
Programming: A General Overview
- Using Recursive Function
- Resizing a Matrix
Algorithm Analysis
- Finding Minimum Subsequence Sum
- Implementing the Bisection Method
- Implementing Binary Search
Lists, Stacks, and Queues
- Implementing the STL find Routine
- Working with Lists
- Converting an Infix Expression to Postfix
- Checking for Balancing Brackets
- Reversing a Singly Linked List
- Implementing a Stack Class
- Implementing a Dequeue using a Linked List
- Implementing a Depth-First Traversal in the Child-Sibling Tree
- Converting a Tree into Graph-Assembler Instructions
- Using the findMax Function
- Generating an AVL Tree
- Inserting a Node into an AVL Tree
- Implementing a Splay Tree
- Working with Binary Tree
- Implementing a B-Tree
- Inserting Keys into the B-Tree
- Implementing the map Class
- Implementing a Splay Tree
- Counting Number of Collisions
- Implementing Hopscotch Hashing
- Implementing Cuckoo Hashing
- Implementing Extendible Hashing
Priority Queues (Heaps)
- Merging Two Max Heaps
- Implementing Insert Operation in a Binomial Queue
- Implementing Insertion Sort using STL
- Implementing Mergesort without Recursion
- Implementing the Selection Sort Algorithm
The Disjoint Sets Class
- Printing a Maze
Graph Algorithms
- Implementing a Topological Sorting Algorithm
- Solving a Single Source Shortest Path Problem
- Implementing Union Function in Kruskal’s Algorithm
Algorithm Design Techniques
- Solving the Longest Common Subsequence Problem
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