Gain hands-on experience to pass the CIW 1D0-61C exam with the CIW Network Technology Associate course and lab. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. This Network Technology course comprehensively covers the 1D0-61C exam objectives and imparts skills required to handle network and cloud security risks, hardware, and device connectivity, connectivity through Internet, Internet services, and many more.
Here’s what you will get
The CIW 1D0-61C exam is a part of CIW’s Web Foundations Series Certifications. This certification allows candidates to work effectively in today’s business environment, learn about the tasks involved with various Information Technology (IT) job roles, and explore career opportunities in the IT industry. It also validates a candidate’s expertise in the OSI reference model and its relationship to packet creation, the importance of routing, subnet masks, and many more.
9+ Lessons | 14+ Exercises | 332+ Quizzes | 134+ Flashcards | 134+ Glossary of terms
30+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 43+ Post Assessment Questions | 60+ Practice Test Questions
Hand on lab
30+ LiveLab | 30+ Video tutorials | 40+ Minutes
Video Lessons
26+ Videos | 34+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Introduction to Networking
- Overview of Networks and Protocols
- Telephony and Convergence Networking
- Networking Evolution
- Client/Server Model
- Network Operations Center (NOC)
- Networking Categories
- Network Topologies
- Network Operating System
- Microsoft Windows Servers
- UNIX/Linux
- The Need for Protocols
- OSI Reference Model
- Data Encapsulation
- Packets
- OSI/RM Protocol Examples
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- Binding Protocols
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Internet Exchange Point (IXP)
- Lesson Summary
Lessons 2: Networking Components and Standards
- Overview of Networking Components
- Common Network Components
- Transmission Media
- Wireless Network Technologies
- Transmission Types
- IEEE LAN Standards
- Carrier Systems
- Virtualization
- Optional Lab
- Lesson Summary
Lessons 3: Connecting to the Internet
- Introduction to Connecting to the Internet
- Mobile Computing
- Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing
- Configuring a Wireless Network
- Fourth-Generation (4G) Wireless
- Internet Architecture
- Internet Protocols
- Demultiplexing
- Introduction to Routing
- Routing Protocols
- Port Numbers
- Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
- Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
- Configuring TCP/IP
- Diagnostic Tools for Internet Troubleshooting
- Optional Labs
- Lesson Summary
Lessons 4: Internet Services
- Overview of Internet Services
- Cloud Services
- Internet Servers
- Choosing Web Server Products
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Optional Lab
- Lesson Summary
Lessons 5: Hardware and Device Connectivity
- Introduction to Hardware and Device Connectivity
- Motherboard
- Storage Devices
- Network Interface Card (NIC)
- Optical Discs
- Device Connectivity
- System Management
- Preventive Maintenance
- Software Troubleshooting
- Optional Lab
- Lesson Summary
Lessons 6: Network and Cloud Security Risks
- Importance of Network Security
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Cloud Security Threats
- Cloud Disaster Recovery
- Malware (Malicious Software)
- Overview of Network Attack Types
- Defeating Network Attacks
- Authentication
- Encryption
- Firewalls
- Security Zones
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Security Audit
- Other Security Threats
- Lesson Summary
Appendix A: CIW Web Foundations Objectives and Locations
Appendix B: Works Consulted
Appendix C: Firewall Topologies
- Firewall Topologies
Hands-on LAB Activities
Networking Components and Standards
- Viewing the MAC Address on Your System
- Installing VirtualBox and Creating a VM
Connecting to the Internet
- Configuring Different Classes of IP Addresses
- Adding a Public IPv6 Address
- Using the netstat Command
- Using the tracert Command
- Using the arp Command
- Testing Connectivity Using the ping Command
- Using the ipconfig Command
- Using the ifconfig Command
Internet Services
- Using the nslookup Utility
- Sharing a Folder
Hardware and Device Connectivity
- Managing NTFSÂ Permissions
- Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS Using PowerShell
- Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS Using Disk Management
- Capturing Packets Using Wireshark
- Creating a Partition Using Disk Management
- Formatting a Logical Drive
- Using the chkdsk Command
- Running the Disk Defragmenter
- Backing Up and Restoring Data in Windows
Network and Cloud Security Risks
- Using the Netcraft Toolbar
- Monitoring the Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
- Detecting a Virus in a Folder
- Setting Password Policies
- Using the MD5 Hashing Algorithm
- Using OpenSSL to Create a Public/Private Key Pair
- Applying Symmetric-Key Encryption
- Turning Off Windows Firewall Settings
- Creating a NAT Virtual Network
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