Gain hands-on expertise on the Linux cybersecurity principles with the Linux Essentials for Cybersecurity course and lab to gain the hands-on expertise required to understand the Linux cybersecurity principles. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. The Linux training course and lab provide knowledge and skills in managing local storage, group, and user accounts; working on the command line, editing files, developing a storage security policy, and more.
37+ Lessons | 216+ Quizzes | 288+ Flashcards | 290+ Glossary of terms
100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 101+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
70+ LiveLab | 70+ Video tutorials | 02:34+ Hours
Video Lessons
216+ Videos | 12:52+ Hours
Lessons 1: Introduction
Lessons 2: Distributions and Key Components
- Introducing Linux
- Linux Distributions
- Installing Linux
- Summary
Lessons 3: Working on the Command Line
- File Management
- Shell Features
- Advanced Commands
- Summary
Lessons 4: Getting Help
- Man Pages
- Command Help Options
- The help Command
- The info Command
- The /usr/share/doc Directory
- Internet Resources
- Summary
Lessons 5: Editing Files
- The vi Editor
- Additional Editors
- Summary
Lessons 6: When Things Go Wrong
- The Science of Troubleshooting
- Notifying Users
- Summary
Lessons 7: Managing Group Accounts
- What Are Groups Used For?
- Managing Groups
- Summary
Lessons 8: Managing User Accounts
- The Importance of User Accounts
- Managing Users
- Network-Based User Accounts
- Using su and sudo
- Restricting User Accounts
- Summary
Lessons 9: Develop an Account Security Policy
- Introducing Kali Linux
- Security Principles
- Creating a Security Policy
- Securing Accounts
- Security Tools
- Summary
Lessons 10: File Permissions
- Standard Permissions
- Default Permissions
- Special Permissions
- Access Control Lists (ACLs)
- Changing Ownership
- File Attributes
- Introduction to SELinux
- Summary
Lessons 11: Manage Local Storage: Essentials
- Filesystem Essentials
- Filesystem Types
- Additional Filesystem Tools
- Mounting Filesystems
- Summary
Lessons 12: Manage Local Storage: Advanced Features
- Encrypted Filesystems
- Managing autofs
- Logical Volume Manager
- Disk Quotas
- Hard and Soft Links
- Summary
Lessons 13: Manage Network Storage
- Samba
- Network File System
- Summary
Lessons 14: Develop a Storage Security Policy
- Developing the Plan
- Backing Up Data
- Summary
Lessons 15: crontab and at
- Using crontab
- Using at
- Summary
Lessons 16: Scripting
- Linux Programming
- Basics of BASH Scripting
- Flow Control Statements
- User Interaction
- Using Command Substitution
- Additional Information
- Summary
Lessons 17: Common Automation Tasks
- Exploring Scripts that Already Exist on Your System
- Creating Your Own Automation Scripts
- Summary
Lessons 18: Develop an Automation Security Policy
- Securing crontab and at
- Securing BASH Scripts
- Summary
Lessons 19: Networking Basics
- Network Terminology
- IPv4 Versus IPv6
- IPv4 Addresses
- Common Protocol Suites
- Network Ports
- Summary
Lessons 20: Network Configuration
- Ethernet Network Interfaces
- Persistent Network Configurations
- Network Troubleshooting Commands
- Access to Wireless Networks
- Summary
Lessons 21: Network Service Configuration: Essential Services
- DNS Servers
- Zone Files
- Securing BIND
- DHCP Server
- Email Servers
- Managing Local Email Delivery
- Remote Email Delivery
- Summary
Lessons 22: Network Service Configuration: Web Services
- Apache Web Server
- Basic Apache Web Server Configuration
- Apache Web Server Security
- Virtual Hosts
- SSL and Apache
- Proxy Servers
- Summary
Lessons 23: Connecting to Remote Systems
- FTP Servers
- Secure Shell
- Summary
Lessons 24: Develop a Network Security Policy
- Kernel Parameters
- TCP Wrappers
- Network Time Protocol
- Summary
Lessons 25: Process Control
- Viewing Processes
- Running Processes
- Killing Process
- The nohup Command
- Process Priority
- Summary
Lessons 26: System Logging
- Syslog
- The logrotate Command
- The journalctl Command
- Summary
Lessons 27: Red Hat–Based Software Management
- Red Hat Packages
- Using the rpm Command
- The yum Command
- Additional Tools
- Summary
Lessons 28: Debian-Based Software Management
- Managing Packages with dpkg
- Managing Packages with APT
- Listing Package Information with APT Commands
- Summary
Lessons 29: System Booting
- Phases of the Boot Process
- Kernel Components
- The init Phase
- Summary
Lessons 30: Develop a Software Management Security Policy
- Ensuring Software Security
- xinetd
- Summary
Lessons 31: Footprinting
- Understanding Footprinting
- Common Footprinting Tools
- Kali Linux Utilities
- Summary
Lessons 32: Firewalls
- Introduction to Firewalls
- Essentials of the iptables Command
- Using iptables to Filter Incoming Packets
- Using iptables to Filter Outgoing Packets
- Implementing NAT
- Summary
Lessons 33: Intrusion Detection
- Introduction to Intrusion Detection Tools
- Intrusion Detection Network Tools
- Intrusion Detection File Tools
- Additional Intrusion Detection Tools
- Summary
Lessons 34: Additional Security Tasks
- The fail2ban Service
- OpenVPN
- gpg
- Security Alert Services
- Summary
Appendix A: Resource Guide
- Resources by Lesson
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