6+ Lessons | 79+ Exercises | 65+ Quizzes | 50+ Flashcards | 50+ Glossary of terms
30+ Pre Assessment Questions | 30+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
35+ LiveLab | 10+ Video tutorials | 11+ Minutes
Video Lessons
9+ Videos | 41+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Review of Python Data Types and Concepts
- Introduction
- Data Types
- Control Statements
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Modules, Packages, and File Operations
- Error Handling
- Summary
Lessons 2: Recursion
- Introduction
- Illustrating Recursion
- Recursion Run Amok
- Types of Recursion
- Eliminate Tail Recursion
- Summary
Lessons 3: Searching and Sorting
- Introduction
- Searching Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms
- Compare Sorting Algorithms
- Python’s Built-In Sorting Functions
- Summary
Lessons 4: Network Automation
- Introduction
- Types of Network Automation
- Network Automation Tools
- Compare Network Automation Tools
- Best Practices for Network Automation
- Summary
Lessons 5: Cybersecurity
- Introduction
- Importance of Cybersecurity
- Importance of Python in Cybersecurity
- Python Libraries for Cybersecurity
- Summary
Lessons 6: Python for Network Forensics
- Understand Network Forensics
- Use Dshell for Investigation
- Use Scapy for Investigation
- Summary
Hands-on LAB Activities
Review of Python Data Types and Concepts
- Using Arithmetic Operators
- Using Assignment Operators
- Using String Methods
- Using Comparison Operators
- Using the if Statement
- Using the while Statement
- Using the for…in Loop
- Creating a Method for a Class
- Rectifying AttributeError
- Rectifying NameError
- Computing the Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
- Implementing Recursive Binary Search
- Printing a Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
- Computing the Sum of a Sequence
- Reversing a String Using Recursion
Searching and Sorting
- Implementing Linear Search
- Implementing Insertion Sort
- Implementing Selection Sort
- Implementing Bubble Sort
- Implementing Heap Sort
- Implementing Merge Sort
- Implementing Quick Sort
- Implementing Bucket Sort
- Implementing Radix Sort
- Using Python’s Built-In Sorting Function
Network Automation
- Using the paramiko Tool
- Using the ansible Tool
- Using the telnet Library
- Using the nmap Library
- Finding All Occurrences of a Pattern
- Using the re.compile() Function
- Splitting a String
- Using the re.sub() Function
- Using the socket Library
Python for Network Forensics
- Using the scapy Module
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