Learn about the concepts of computer network defense with the Network Defense and Countermeasures, 3e course and lab. The lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. The Network security course completely covers the techniques and methodologies related to network defense and gives you the knowledge and practical applications of firewalls; intrusion detection systems, and more.
18+ Lessons | 253+ Quizzes | 201+ Flashcards | 202+ Glossary of terms
100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 100+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hand on lab
64+ LiveLab | 62+ Video tutorials | 00+ Minutes
Lessons 1: Preface
Lessons 2: Introduction to Network Security
- Introduction
- The Basics of a Network
- Basic Network Utilities
- The OSI Model
- What Does This Mean for Security?
- Assessing Likely Threats to the Network
- Classifications of Threats
- Likely Attacks
- Threat Assessment
- Understanding Security Terminology
- Choosing a Network Security Approach
- Network Security and the Law
- Using Security Resources
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 3: Types of Attacks
- Introduction
- Understanding Denial of Service Attacks
- Defending Against Buffer Overflow Attacks
- Defending Against IP Spoofing
- Defending Against Session Hijacking
- Blocking Virus and Trojan Horse Attacks
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 4: Fundamentals of Firewalls
- Introduction
- What Is a Firewall?
- Implementing Firewalls
- Selecting and Using a Firewall
- Using Proxy Servers
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 5: Firewall Practical Applications
- Introduction
- Using Single Machine Firewalls
- Windows 10 Firewall
- User Account Control
- Linux Firewalls
- Using Small Office/Home Office Firewalls
- Using Medium-Sized Network Firewalls
- Using Enterprise Firewalls
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 6: Intrusion-Detection Systems
- Introduction
- Understanding IDS Concepts
- IDS Components and Processes
- Understanding and Implementing IDSs
- Understanding and Implementing Honeypots
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 7: Encryption Fundamentals
- Introduction
- The History of Encryption
- Learning About Modern Encryption Methods
- Identifying Good Encryption
- Understanding Digital Signatures and Certificates
- Understanding and Using Decryption
- Cracking Passwords
- Steganography
- Steganalysis
- Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 8: Virtual Private Networks
- Introduction
- Basic VPN Technology
- Using VPN Protocols for VPN Encryption
- IPSec
- Implementing VPN Solutions
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 9: Operating System Hardening
- Introduction
- Configuring Windows Properly
- Configuring Linux Properly
- Patching the Operating System
- Configuring Browsers
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 10: Defending Against Virus Attacks
- Introduction
- Understanding Virus Attacks
- Virus Scanners
- Antivirus Policies and Procedures
- Additional Methods for Defending Your System
- What to Do If Your System Is Infected by a Virus
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 11: Defending against Trojan Horses, Spyware, and Adware
- Introduction
- Trojan Horses
- Spyware and Adware
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 12: Security Policies
- Introduction
- Defining User Policies
- Defining System Administration Policies
- Defining Access Control
- Defining Developmental Policies
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
- Projects
Lessons 13: Assessing System Security
- Introduction
- Risk Assessment Concepts
- Evaluating the Security Risk
- Conducting the Initial Assessment
- Probing the Network
- Vulnerabilities
- McCumber Cube
- Security Documentation
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 14: Security Standards
- Introduction
- ISO Standards
- NIST Standards
- U.S. DoD Standards
- Using the Orange Book
- Using the Rainbow Series
- Using the Common Criteria
- Using Security Models
- U.S. Federal Regulations, Guidelines, and Standards
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 15: Physical Security and Disaster Recovery
- Introduction
- Physical Security
- Disaster Recovery
- Ensuring Fault Tolerance
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 16: Techniques Used by Attackers
- Introduction
- Preparing to Hack
- The Attack Phase
- Wi-Fi Hacking
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 17: Introduction to Forensics
- Introduction
- General Forensics Guidelines
- FBI Forensics Guidelines
- Finding Evidence on the PC
- Gathering Evidence from a Cell Phone
- Forensic Tools to Use
- Forensic Science
- To Certify or Not to Certify?
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Lessons 18: Cyber Terrorism
- Introduction
- Defending Against Computer-Based Espionage
- Defending Against Computer-Based Terrorism
- Choosing Defense Strategies
- Summary
- Test Your Skills
Hands-on LAB Activities
Introduction to Network Security
- Assigning Different Classes of IP Addresses
- Viewing the MAC Address on Different Interfaces
- Understanding Protocols
- Tracing Route Using tracert
- Using the netstat Command
Types of Attacks
- Conducting a DoS Attack Using a SYN Flood
- Conducting a DoS Attack Using the Smurf Attack
- Defending Against a Buffer Overflow Attack
- Defending against IP Spoofing
- Performing Session Hijacking Using Burp Suite
- Installing Antivirus Software
- Scanning and Classifying Different Types of Viruses
Fundamentals of Firewalls
- Creating ACL in the Router
- Using Windows Firewall
- Creating a DMZ Zone
Firewall Practical Applications
- Configuring User Access Control Settings
- Configuring a Linux Firewall Using the Iptable
- Using the CISCO ASA Firewall
Intrusion-Detection Systems
- Intercepting Packets
- Configuring Snort
- Setting Up a Honeypot
Encryption Fundamentals
- Using a Symmetric Algorithm
- Using an Asymmetric Algorithm
- Observing a Digital Certificate
- Creating a PGP Certification
- Using the John the Ripper Tool
- Using Rainbow Tables
- Hiding Text Using Steganography
Virtual Private Networks
- Setting Up a VPN Server with Windows Server 2016
- Creating an L2TP VPN Using Openswan
- Configuring IPSec
Operating System Hardening
- Configuring a User Account
- Setting Security Policies
- Using Registry Editor
- Configuring the Security Setting in a Popular Browser
- Using Encryption File System
- Restricting the Null Session
- Shutting Down a Service in Windows
Defending Against Virus Attacks
- Creating a Remote Access Trojan (RAT)
- Performing Malware Scanning
Defending against Trojan Horses, Spyware, and Adware
- Using the NetBus Application
- Using eLiTeWrap
- Using an Anti-Spyware Tool
Security Policies
- Defining User Access Control
- Managing a User Using an Existing Security Policy
- Examining Security Policy
- Creating a Security Policy
Assessing System Security
- Filtering Ports Using Windows Firewall
- Using the Advanced IP Scanner
- Conducting Vulnerability Scanning Using Nessus
- Using MBSA
- Configuring Windows Update
Security Standards
- Observing the Security Event Log
Techniques Used by Attackers
- Conducting Passive Scanning Using Netcraft
- Conducting Active Scanning Using Nsauditor
- Using ShareEnum
- Performing Active Scanning Using Nmap
- Cracking Windows Password Using Ophcrack
- Performing the SQL Injection
Introduction to Forensics
- Observing the Windows Log
- Retrieving Deleted Files Using Disk Digger
- Performing Logical Imaging Using AccessData FTK Imager
Cyber Terrorism
- Using BitLocker in Windows 10
- Using EtherDetect
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