The world has so fundamentally changed in the digital era we live but also, who and how we connect with one another is not at all as it was. How are we losing the touch of real human connection and becoming more into Myself? Delving into the nitty-gritties of this matter, the blog discusses how virtual relationships, online presence in social media and mindfulness play a role in generating serious interactions.
Cyber Relationships vs Real Life Connections
- Now that virtual connections are the new face of emotional interactions, it is important to differentiate these relations from those we acquire in real life. While virtual relationships may be easier to create, they rarely offer the same level of emotion and authenticity as an in-person relationship. While online communication can create the illusion of community, it often lacks the emotional depth we crave from real-world connections.
- As an example, social media platforms and messaging apps gives us the ability to keep in touch with friends and family but they fail at providing human energy connection like we have at live interactions. It also reduces the ability to trust one another and share a feeling of empathy — those non-verbal cues we all know like body language or tone of voice.
- In any case, virtual connections sometimes lead to an “artifact version” of a person. It is difficult not to filter what we show online, only highlighting the good in our lives and can lead a skewed version of reality. Which can lead to feeling alone and disconnected, even if we are connected online.
How Social Media Have Impacted Human Connection
- Social media has changed the way we communicate, giving us easy access to everything and everyone all around the world. On the other hand, as much life-saving these social media platforms have brought they there is also a vicious impact that real human connection has to bear in this ever-growing and developing society.
- One of the more troubling features of social media is that this new narcissism has been largely privatized. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook drive us to put our best selves forward, sometimes at the cost of real human camaraderie. What do you want to be known for? A study in Computers in Human Behavior focused on the ways social media can grow self-involvement by revealing that those who use social networking sites a lot are more likely to show narcissistic trends.
- Social media can also generate an illusory feeling of connectedness. Even though you have 100 or even thousands, they are usually not that close. Research from the University of Pennsylvania suggests that restricting social media use leads to a reduction in feelings associated with loneliness and depression, illustrating just how harmful an overuse of our favourite platforms can be on mental health.
How do mindfulness and intentional living help us connect with fellow humans in a world of distractions?
- Living a life of intention and mindfulness has emerged as part of the antidote, helping us battle distraction that is tearing at human connection in an increasingly device-driven world. Mindfulness- Cultivating the practice of being in this moment, with all our focus and attention on showing up — can help us to build emotional intimacy.
- The more mindful we become, the better able will be to experience the needs and emotional responses of others. This increased level of awareness refers not to a dialogue but rather true human connected one, where we actively listen, respond and connect with each other. Another vital piece of the human connection puzzle comes from intentional living; where we consciously choose to expend our time and energy.
- All around us, distractions are plentiful and focusing on being present with the connection in front of you can guide you to deeper connections versus more superficial ones. In other words more dedicated in person attention without the distraction of technology otherwise computer can eb a cause for unmaking established bonds.
- For more ways to practice mindfulness and intentional living, check out these 1-on-1 COURSES like our Master Your Mind Coaching. In this program you will receive individualized feedback to support your cultivation of mindful and intentional reflection in living leading which results in deeper, more satisfying relationships.
Is Digital Communication Causing Younger Generations to Forget How To Form Strong Lasting Relationships?
- Digital Communication is a growing menace among the young croods. Children and teenagers are spending more time online but the millions of friendships we collect on social media have left us with real concerns over whether they really make friends for life.
- A survey by the nonprofit Common Sense Media reported that kids between 13 and 18 years old spend more than seven hours a day on screens, including social media. Moving to an online environment can significantly alter their social development. As practical and convenient as digital exchange can be, it often does not contain the substance in order to maintain strong relationships.
- A culture in which youth are bombarded with social media pressures that lean towards the superficial- physical appearance and social status rather than real connection. This can cultivate a culture of comparison and competition, which sabotage self-esteem an.stand in the way of genuine relationships.
- Although, I should remind you that internet communication is not inherently bad. Mindful usage can supplement real world encounters and even augment relationships. So the trick is to find kind of an equilibrium there, where people don’t forget that it’s face-to-face stuff where you get a lot richer, human connections.
Relearning How to Connect as Humans
- With our focus being pulled ever stronger to the technological, we must remember that it is one of only two modes of connection. It means focusing on real-world relationships, honing our mindfulness skills and being purposeful in when we use digital communication.
- And in order to reconnect the people we should also be rebuilding a sense of community, a way of shared experience. Although individualism is essential, a strong sense of community also important. One way to combat it, is participating in activities that draw people out from behind screens and bring them together — community events or group hobbies.
- Sending us into digital detoxes or promoting more screen-free zones that will give you time to recover and help you get back in touch with all there is out here besides this frantic virtual universe.
It is important as we harness the great power of digital communication to realize what a hollow well it leaves when in isolation from others. Technology is wonderful — but if we give in carelessly to its pull, the fear of experiencing real human connection will only become worse.
We must seek a balance through exercising our mindful abilities and making it a point to preserve the connections that truly define so much of what we have come recognize as essential human relationships. From simple daily routines to major lifestyle changes, there are many ways we can be social and build genuine relationships in an increasingly digital world.