
Home » How to create a course on LiT

How to create a course on LiT

Navigate to Instructor Dashboard > COURSES

  • Click the “Add New” button at the top of the page

Creating a new course on LIT

You will be taken to the following page:

  1. Add the name of your course
  2. The featured image needs to be 600 x 600
  3. Add a brief intro on what will be covered in the course and what students will learn. What the students will need in order to complete the course. The following descriptions will be publicly visible on LiT . See this as your book cover.


Once you are done, select “Builder”. This is where you’ll spend the majority of your time building out your course.



Section Headings

Your course can be divided into sections with the use of section headings. They are just text-only headings that can be inserted between any two lessons; they don’t actually carry any information. They function in a similar way to book chapters.

  1. Click the “New Section Heading” button
  2. Type your heading
  3. Hit ENTER, or click the “Add Section Heading” button

To edit a section heading…

  1. Click on its pencil icon
  2. Make your edits
  3. Press ENTER or click the “Save” button
  4. To remove a section heading, click the “X” icon



Lessons, besides section headings, will probably be the first piece of content you want to include in your course. Directly from the course builder, you may make new lessons or add previously made lessons. Let’s take a look at each.

  1. Create New Lessons
  2. Click the “New Lesson” Button
  3. Type the name of your lesson
  4. Press ENTER, or click the “Add Lesson” button


Add Existing Lessons

Your existing lessons can be found in the “Lessons” box in the sidebar. 

There are multiple ways to add existing lessons.

Add a single lesson: Hover over a lesson in the lesson box and click the “Add” button. This will add the lesson to the end of your course.

Add multiple lessons: Select the checkbox next to multiple lessons, and then click the “Add Selected” button. This will add all selected lessons to the end of your course.

Edit a Lesson Title or Lesson Content

  1. Click on the pencil icon next to the title of the lesson
  2. Make your edits
  3. Hit ENTER or click the “Save” button
  4.  To remove a lesson click the X icon next to the relevant lesson.


Topics are completely optional but are great for breaking up content within a lesson. A course must contain at least one lesson in order to add a topic. Let’s walk through how to create new topics, as well as add existing ones, with the course builder.

  1. Create New Topics
  2. Make sure your course has at least one lesson. Follow the instructions above to add your first lesson.
  3. You need to expand the lesson by either clicking “Expand all” at the top of the builder or clicking the down arrow to the right of the lesson
  4. Click the “New Topic” Button
  5. Type the name of your topic
  6. Hit ENTER, or click the “Add Topic” button

Just as with lessons, you will be able to create new topics, add existing topics from the sidebar and remove topics.


Quizzes can be added to lessons & topics or as a final quiz to the course itself. Any combination of these will work.  You will need to create your quizzes from your instructor dashboard first and then return to the course build to pull in existing quizzes you’ve already created.

Course quizzes are located at the bottom of the course builder, under the “FINAL QUIZZES” heading. Lesson & topic quizzes can be found within the lesson/topic that they belong to.

Create New Quizzes

  1. Click “Add New” 
  2. Add Quiz title Name

Select the pencil icon  > Fill in the Quiz title (Featured image and description is optional) > Save to Draft

Quiz Builder Overview

At the top of the quiz builder, you’ll see:

  • The total number of questions in the quiz
  • Then you’ll see all of your questions. This is where you’ll spend the majority of your time constructing your quiz.

Add Questions to Your Quiz

There are multiple ways to add questions with the quiz builder. This will depend on a few things:

  • if you’re sharing questions across multiple quizzes, and want to add existing ones
  • if you’re adding brand-new questions

New Questions

To add a brand new question to a quiz:

  1. At the bottom of the quiz builder, click the +Add New Question button
  2. Type the name of your question (internal use only) (Featured image is optional)
  3. Select the question type 
  4. Type the question 
  5. Hit the Answer Tab > +Add New Answer


Editing answers in the quiz builder will depend on the question type. Different types have different options. As soon as you select the question type, your answer options will update below.

The following question types provide the ability for you to add more than one answer:

  • Single choice

    Single choice means there is only one correct answer. This is the most common question format for standardized tests. You should also use this question type for True or False questions.

  • LearnDash single choice question frontend example
  • Multiple choice

    Multiple-choice questions support multiple correct answers. In order for the question to be marked correct, users must select ALL of the correct answers. If they only select some correct answers, then the question is marked incorrect.

  • LearnDash multiple choice question, frontend example

  • Free Choice

    Free-choice questions require the user to input a correct answer in an input field. These questions can have single or multiple correct answers, which can consist of one or multiple words. The capitalization of the answer is not taken into account, and different variations of the same answer are considered correct. As an example, if the question is “What color is the sun?” and the possible answers are yellow, orange or white, any of these answers would be accepted as correct.

  • LearnDash free choice question, frontend example
  • Sorting

    Sorting choice questions ask the user to place a series of answers in the correct order. When creating the question, the order of the answers in the backend will be considered the correct order.

  • LearnDash sorting choice question, frontend example
  • Matrix Sorting

    Matrix sorting questions are used when the user needs to match two items together. These questions consist of two parts: the criterion, which is fixed and cannot be changed, and the sort elements, which the user will drag and drop into the correct criterion. Each sort element must be unique, and only one-to-one associations are allowed. The answer area is set up like a table, with the criterion on the left and an open area on the right for the user to drag and drop the sort elements. It is also possible to set a percentage width for the criterion column.

  • LearnDash matrix sorting choice question, frontend example
  • Fill in the Blank

    Fill in the Blank questions allow you to insert a blank line(s) in the middle of a sentence or paragraph. Users then type the correct answer into this empty field.

    • If more than one blank exists, all blanks must be answered correctly for the entire question to be marked correct.
    • Capitalization does not matter. PLAY, Play and play are all scored the same.
    • Blank spaces are created by providing the correct answer inside of curly braces { and }.

    Example Format

    • Admin Setup: {play} soccer.
    • User Sees: I ____ soccer.

    The correct answer is “play”.

    Multiple Possible Answers

    To allow for multiple possible answers, enclose each possible answer with square brackets [ and ]. You still use { and } to create the blank space.

    {[play][love][hate]} soccer.

  • Here’s an example of a fill in the blank question used for math equations, where there is only one possible correct answer for each blank.

    LearnDash fill in the blank question, frontend example

  • Assessment (Survey)

    Assessment questions allow for the use of a Likert scale. This question type is perfect for surveys, or any time you’re asking a user to rate something on a scale.

    • Only one answer may be selected
    • You can add text/images before and/or after the scale
    • There is no limit to the number of options available in the assessment
    • Enclose the entire assessment with curly braces { and }
    • Enclose each individual answer with square brackets [ and ]
    • The maximum possible score is equal to the total number of options


    1. less true { [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] } more true
    2. { [disagree] [not sure] [agree] }

    Example 1: 1 is the least true; it’s worth 1 point. 5 is the most true; it’s worth 5 points.

    Example 2: disagree is worth 1 point. not sure is worth 2 points. agree is worth 3 points.

    This type of question is great for pre-course or end-of-course surveys.

  • Here’s what the user sees:

    LearnDash assessment question, frontend example

  • Essay / Open Answer

    Essay questions allow the user to enter a free-form answer. You can choose between two types of essay questions:

    • Text Box: Displays a <textarea> form field for the user to enter any text they’d like.
    • Upload: Displays an upload button that allows the user to upload a file.

    2 types of LearnDash essay questions

    Essays come with 3 options for how they are graded after the quiz is submitted:

    • Not Graded, No Points Awarded: The essay question is submitted and awaiting a grade. The final quiz grade will be displayed as “Pending” to the user.
    • Not Graded, Full Points Awarded: Awards full points for the essay submission, but its status remains “Not Graded.” An admin can grade the essay at a later date, and adjust the awarded points.
    • Graded, Full Points Awarded: Automatically mark the essay as “Graded” and award full points.

    LearnDash grading options for essay questions

    Options for showing messages for correct or incorrect answers should not be filled in for Essay/Open questions since it is user submitted and cannot be graded at the time of submission.

    Course Progression

    A user can only progress if the following two things are true:

    • The essay is marked as “Graded,” and
    • The user has enough quiz points to move on (configured in the quiz’s settings)

    If no points are immediately awarded for the essay, this (temporarily) counts against the final score. If the total points obtained from the other quiz questions meets the passing threshold, the user can continue with the course. However, if they do not earn enough points to meet the passing threshold, they will not be able to continue.

    Here’s an example of a “Text Box” essay:

    LearnDash essay questions, text box type, frontend example

    Here’s an example of an “Upload” essay:

    LearnDash essay questions, upload type, frontend example

For these question types, you can add new answers directly in the builder.

  1. Click the + New Answer link
  2. Enter your new answer
  3. Click the “Add Answer” button



You can indicate a different number of points for each question. To edit the number of available points for a question:

In the Question Tab scroll down to the bottom


Question Settings

Question settings are the same across all question types.

To access question settings in the quiz builder:

  • Look for the  “Settings” link below the answers



Course Access Settings

The course access settings allow you to define a set of criteria for how a user gains and maintains access to your course. We’ll go through all the options, some of which include one-time payment, recurring payments, free access, prerequisites and more.

Locating Course Access Settings

  1. Navigate to Instructor Dashboard > Courses
  2. Click on the course you want to edit
  3. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the page
  4. Locate the section titled “Course Access Settings”

Access Mode

Access mode is how you determine the way in which someone can gain access to a course (completely free, free with registration required, one-time payment, recurring subscription, etc.). We have 5-course access modes to choose from.


The following rules apply to Open courses:

  • Free & open to anyone visiting your site
  • No registration, login or payment is required for access
  • Must be registered/logged in to track course progress
  • Linear Progression (Requires the user to progress through course steps in the order in which you’ve laid them out.) does not apply

If you have Open courses on your site, as soon as someone registers an account, they will automatically gain access to all Open courses.


The following rules apply to Free courses:

  • Must be registered/logged in to access
  • No payment is required
  • “Take this Course” button is shown to users not yet enrolled. They are sent through the registration process. 

Buy Now

The following rules apply to Buy Now courses:

  • Must be registered/logged in to access
  • Requires a one-time fee to be paid (no free access)
  • Do not use it if you’re selling courses via a shopping cart. Choose Closed access mode

The Buy Now access mode does not allow you to use discounts/coupons. 

When using the Buy Now mode, you need to enter a price in the Course Price field.

  1. First, select the Buy Now access mode
  2. Then, enter your price in the Course Price field

Setting price on Buy Now course in LearnDash

For both “Buy Now” and “Recurring” access modes, the user will be automatically enrolled into the course upon a completed payment.


Recurring is very similar to Buy Now, except for recurring payments (as opposed to one-time payments).

The following rules apply to Recurring courses:

  • Must be registered/logged in to access
  • Requires a recurring fee (choose a billing cycle in X days, weeks, months or years)
  • Do not use if you’re selling courses via a shopping cart 

To set up the Recurring access mode:

  1. Select the Recurring option
  2. In the Course Price field, enter the amount you’d like to charge
  3. Enter the amount of days/weeks/months/years on which you’d like the user to be billed again
  4. Choose either day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s) from the dropdown

If choosing day(s), you must provide a number between 1-90.

You also have the option to control the recurring subscription with the following fields:

  • Recurring Times – determines how many times the billing cycle repeats after the first cycle has been completed, leave empty for unlimited repeats
  • Course Trial Price – fill this out if you want to have a trial period for the course with a special “trial” price
  • Trial Duration – determine length of the trial period. After the trial is over, the normal course price billing goes into effect.

Course Enrollment URL

This field allows you to set a per-course redirect on your courses. Fill this out with the URL where you want your users to be redirected after registration or enrollment.

You may have courses that you want to upsell, other offers, or even other course materials you want the users to download first, this setting will help you redirect the users to those pages after enrollment. 

This option is only available for the “Recurring” and “Buy Now” options.


The following rules apply to Closed courses:

  • Must be registered/logged in to access
  • Allows you to sell your course 

To redirect the Take this Course button to a custom URL:

  1. First, select the Closed access mode
  2. Then, enter the URL where you’d like the button to go

LearnDash closed course, enter Button URL


Course Prerequisites

Prerequisites allow you to choose another course (or courses) that a user must complete before taking this course. When selecting a course(s), you have two options:

  • Any Selected (default)
    If a user has completed any one of the selected courses, they will be able to access this course.
  • All Selected
    The user must complete all selected courses in order to access this course.

Set a course prerequisite in LearnDash

To add a course prerequisite:

  1. Next to Course Prerequisites, toggle the setting on
  2. Choose either Any Selected or All Selected
  3. Click in the box to search for a course. Add as many courses as you’d like.

To remove a course prerequisite:

  1. Click the x next to the course name

Course Points

Course points are a simple way to incentive your users. They can also be used as a prerequisite for another course.

LearnDash course points settings

To enable course points:

  1. Next to Course Points, toggle the setting on

Required for Access

This is the number of points a user must obtain before gaining access to the course.

For example, let’s say you have a few beginner-level courses that each award 50 points upon completion. You might also have an intermediate-level course. If you want the student to complete at least 2 beginner-level courses (2 courses x 50 points/ea. = 100 points) before taking the intermediate-level course, you could set the required for access setting to 100 points.

Awarded on Completion

This is the number of points a user will receive for completing the course. In the above example, all of your beginner-level courses would set this value to 50.

The provided examples are just to explain how course points work. You can use any numbers you’d like, and customize the course points to fit your learning curriculum.

Course Access Expiration

With course access expiration, you can choose to provide access to a course for a limited time period, based on the user’s enrollment date (aka: when they signed up for the course).

LearnDash course access expiration settings

  1. Next to Course Access Expiration, toggle the setting on
  2. Enter the number of days the course will be available for
    • This will automatically count that many days from the user’s enrollment date
  3. Choose whether or not you want the user’s course & quiz data to be deleted when access expires

Once data is deleted, it is gone forever. If you choose to enable the Data deletion setting, we recommend you make a backup first.

Course Display & Content Settings

Each course can have its own set of display options. In this article, we’ll cover how each display setting affects your course, and how you might want to adjust each setting to fit your particular needs.

Locating Course Display Settings

  1. Navigate to Instructor Dashboard > Courses
  2. Click on the course you want to edit
  3. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the page
  4. Locate the section titled “Display & Content Options”

Course Materials

Course materials are supplemental materials needed for your course. It is most common to include PDF files or other downloadable files in this area, but you can include anything you’d like (PDFs, images, downloadable audio files, links to other websites, etc.).

  1. Next to Course Materials, toggle the switch on
  2. Add your materials in the box (HTML is supported)

Course materials are displayed to your users in a separate tab, alongside your main course content.

LearnDash course materials example on the frontend

Course materials are shown to all users (even those not enrolled in the course).

Course Certificate

You may want to provide a certificate to users who complete a course. There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You need to create a certificate first before it will appear in this list.
  • The certificate will become available after the user has completed all steps (lessons, topics & quizzes) associated with the course.
  • Once available, a button will appear on the course page for the user to download their certificate.

Simply select the certificate that you’d like to associate with this course.

Select a course certificate in LearnDash

Here’s how it will look to the user:

LearnDash earned certificate example

Certificates may also be associated with quizzes.

Course Content

The course content setting determines who can see the list of lessons, topics & quizzes that make up your course.

This does not affect the content that you add to the WordPress editor on the course page. That content will be displayed to everyone.

  • Always visible (default)
    Display list to everyone, whether or not they are enrolled in the course.
  • Only visible to enrollees
    Only display the list to users enrolled in the course.

If you choose Always visible, and a non-enrolled user tries to access a lesson, topic or quiz, they will not be able to click on it, and will see a message that says, “You don’t currently have access to this content.”

Example Message: No access to course content

Custom Pagination

LearnDash course navigation pagination

Pagination refers to the number of course steps that are displayed at one time, before the user has to use small navigation buttons to navigate to subsequent pages to access additional course steps. By default, LearnDash will use your settings from the general settings page, but you may choose to customize this on a course-by-course basis.

  1. Toggle the Custom Pagination setting on
  2. Enter a number for lessons per page
  3. Enter a number for topics per page

This setting applies to both the course content table (displayed on the course page), as well as the course navigation widget for this course.

Custom Lesson Order

In the event that you choose to turn off the course builder, you can use custom lesson order to determine the order in which your lessons are displayed. The course builder will always take precedence over these settings.

  1. Toggle the Custom Lesson Order setting on
  2. Choose a Sort By option
    • Date (default)
    • Title
    • Menu Order
  3. Choose an Order Direction
    • Descending (default)
    • Ascending

LearnDash custom lesson order animation

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